With that kind of presumption about God’s nature, it is no wonder that we often find ourselves to not ‘feel’ Him turning His ear to us when we call on Him. But His Word says He does. And since He is not like a shifting shadow (James 1:17 ; Malachi 3:6), He fulfills His Promise (Numbers 23:19) which by the way, is something He is by no means obligated to do at all because He is who He is (Exodus 3:14 ; Matthew 5:45) and He will have mercy on whom he has mercy (Romans 9:15). But because He is good and faithful (1 Thessalonians 5:24 ; 1 Corinthians 1:8-9 ; 2 Timothy 2:13), compassionate (Psalm 86:15) and our Father (2 Corinthians 6:18 ; 1 John 1:12) who loved us with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3), He made us the recipients of His promises which He keeps. So we have to take Him at His Word because He never lies. The good thing about being grounded in the truth of His word which said “He turned His ear to us when we call Him”, is that we depend on KNOWING who He is and that He will act in love, as always, for our good and for His glory (Romans 8:28). On the other hand, the worst thing about depending on our feelings is that our feelings are deceptive, inconsistent and temporary in nature and is based on our experience with our environment and our regretful past and also our apprehension about the future. The problem, in reality, is rooted in our sense of entitlement; we think God owes us. In truth, God owes us nothing and He is not obligated in anyway to do anything for us (Romans 11:34-36 ; Psalm 24:1 ; Haggai 2:8 ; 1 Chronicles 29:11 ; Matthew 5:45). On the contrary, we owe him everything (Psalm 139: 1-17 ; Philippians 2:13 ; John 19:30).
(For comments and queries concerning this article, please contact the writer at +91 9892316430)